#color:walk for #thePoor

I am yet to know the power of thy God. Am yet to grow in his magic. The demonic forces that beckon the inhabitants of this earth shall not entrap me in their wicked wrath. I am the sun. The moon. The stars. I am everything powerful in this universe. I am the beginning and […]

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Those that worry should not pray and those that pray should not worry. Trust in Jesus. #COLOR WALKER

Read more "Faith"

If you look at the laws of #love ;- you did have faith in the light of love :- studying our history will show that we as human beings have done far more horrible things than what has been done today:- millions more have die in the past and suffer terrible pain. but today , because of the light of love spreading #kindness #compassion #sharing #love ;- the illusionary imagination of evil men and women was transform into the life we know Today.

Read more "If you look at the laws of #love ;- you did have faith in the light of love :- studying our history will show that we as human beings have done far more horrible things than what has been done today:- millions more have die in the past and suffer terrible pain. but today , because of the light of love spreading #kindness #compassion #sharing #love ;- the illusionary imagination of evil men and women was transform into the life we know Today."


Freedom Is thy will to be # good # kind #forgiving # sharing # loving even when the system #beat-me# starve me # pay me nickel and dime # imprisoned me # threatened me with # gunshots #injustice and # abuse. My freedom is my will and desire to love those who cause me pain.  […]

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The passion to live.

I know many of you are # worried # afraid # lonely. I know that you can feel the evil around. The blood under the veins of the people that surround you seem to be boiling and you feel as if at any moment your life will be taken. I know you all feel tempted […]

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I AM HERE TO SAVE THE POOR AND BUILD A BETTER WORLD. Life is made of many miracles. Some are known and others unknown. My life is a miracle given to the world by the universe. I am made to share the light of love that beams from my heart to all the dark corners of […]

Read more "I AM, THAT I AM."

The Prayer :- Color Walker.

Ohh :- Universe. with your ever present love that strike at the darkness in my heart :- i pray for love:- i accept the things that i can’t change and i give my soul willing to help the poor. Build a better world with love:- ohh Great energy:- transform my soul- body and mind into […]

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Ethical T-shirts :-To Help The Poor.

#‎ETHICAL‬ ‪#‎PRODUCTS‬. 30% from every ‪#‎PURCHASE‬ goes to‪#‎CHARITIES‬ funding ‪#‎community‬ ‪#‎projects‬ worldwide. we are the first ETHICAL COMPANY created to MAKE PROFITS TO FEED THE POOR. support our products http://www.colorwalker.net and visit our blogs -storieswww.colorwalker.com :- Help us ‪#‎like‬ ‪#‎share‬ with all ‪#‎friends‬ . ‪#‎appreciation‬‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎grattitude‬ I AM, THAT I AM.

Read more "Ethical T-shirts :-To Help The Poor."